dfr otherwise for expression

Completes a when expression.


Dataframe commands were not shipped in the official binaries by default, you have to build it with --features=dataframe flag


> dfr otherwise {flags} (otherwise expression)


  • otherwise expression: expression to apply when no when predicate matches

Input/output types:



Create a when conditions

> dfr when ((dfr col a) > 2) 4 | dfr otherwise 5

Create a when conditions

> dfr when ((dfr col a) > 2) 4 | dfr when ((dfr col a) < 0) 6 | dfr otherwise 0

Create a new column for the dataframe

> [[a b]; [6 2] [1 4] [4 1]]
   | dfr into-lazy
   | dfr with-column (
    dfr when ((dfr col a) > 2) 4 | dfr otherwise 5 | dfr as c
   | dfr with-column (
    dfr when ((dfr col a) > 5) 10 | dfr when ((dfr col a) < 2) 6 | dfr otherwise 0 | dfr as d
   | dfr collect
 # │ a │ b │ c │ d  │
 0 6 2 4 10
 1 1 4 5  6
 2 4 1 4  0