Custom Commands
As with any programming language, you'll quickly want to save longer pipelines and expressions so that you can call them again easily when needed.
This is where custom commands come in.
Custom commands are similar to functions in many languages, but in Nushell, custom commands act as first-class commands themselves. As you'll see below, they are included in the Help system along with built-in commands, can be a part of a pipeline, are parsed in real-time for type errors, and much more.
Creating and Running a Custom Command
Let's start with a simple greet
custom command:
def greet [name] {
$"Hello, ($name)!"
Here, we define the greet
command, which takes a single parameter name
. Following this parameter is the block that represents what will happen when the custom command runs. When called, the custom command will set the value passed for name
as the $name
variable, which will be available to the block.
To run this command, we can call it just as we would call built-in commands:
greet "World"
# => Hello, World!
Returning Values from Commands
You might notice that there isn't a return
or echo
statement in the example above.
Like some other languages, such as PowerShell and JavaScript (with arrow functions), Nushell features an implicit return, where the value of the final expression in the command becomes its return value.
In the above example, there is only one expression—The string. This string becomes the return value of the command.
greet "World" | describe
# => string
A typical command, of course, will be made up of multiple expressions. For demonstration purposes, here's a non-sensical command that has 3 expressions:
def eight [] {
1 + 1
2 + 2
4 + 4
# => 8
The return value, again, is simply the result of the final expression in the command, which is 4 + 4
Additional examples:
Early return
Commands that need to exit early due to some condition can still return a value using the return
def process-list [] {
let input_length = length
if $input_length > 10_000 {
print "Input list is too long"
return null
$in | each {|i|
# Process the list
$i * 4.25
Suppressing the return value
You'll often want to create a custom command that acts as a statement rather than an expression, and doesn't return a a value.
You can use the ignore
keyword in this case:
def create-three-files [] {
[ file1 file2 file3 ] | each {|filename|
touch $filename
} | ignore
Without the ignore
at the end of the pipeline, the command will return an empty list from the each
You could also return a null
as the final expression. Or, in this contrived example, use a for
statement, which doesn't return a value (see next example).
Statements which don't return a value
Some keywords in Nushell are statements which don't return a value. If you use one of these statements as the final expression of a custom command, the return value will be null
. This may be unexpected in some cases. For example:
def exponents-of-three [] {
for x in [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ] {
3 ** $x
The above command will not display anything, and the return value is empty, or null
because for
is a statement which doesn't return a value.
To return a value from an input list, use a filter such as the each
def exponents-of-three [] {
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ] | each {|x|
3 ** $x
# => ╭───┬─────╮
# => │ 0 │ 1 │
# => │ 1 │ 3 │
# => │ 2 │ 9 │
# => │ 3 │ 27 │
# => │ 4 │ 81 │
# => │ 5 │ 243 │
# => ╰───┴─────╯
Match expression
# Return a random file in the current directory
def "random file" [] {
let files = (ls)
let num_files = ($files | length)
match $num_files {
0 => null # Return null for empty directory
_ => {
let random_file = (random int 0..($num_files - 1))
($files | get $random_file)
In this case, the final expression is the match
statement which can return:
if the directory is empty- Otherwise, a
representing the randomly chosen file
Custom Commands and Pipelines
Just as with built-in commands, the return value of a custom command can be passed into the next command in a pipeline. Custom commands can also accept pipeline input. In addition, whenever possible, pipeline input and output is streamed as it becomes available.
See also: Pipelines
Pipeline Output
ls | get name
Let's move ls
into a command that we've written:
def my-ls [] { ls }
We can use the output from this command just as we would ls
my-ls | get name
# => ╭───┬───────────────────────╮
# => │ 0 │ │
# => │ 1 │ │
# => │ 2 │ │
# => ╰───┴───────────────────────╯
This lets us easily build custom commands and process their output. Remember that we don't use return statements like other languages. Instead, the implicit return allows us to build pipelines that output streams of data that can be connected to other pipelines.
The ls
content is still streamed in this case, even though it is in a separate command. Running this command against a long-directory on a slow (e.g., networked) filesystem would return rows as they became available.
Pipeline Input
Custom commands can also take input from the pipeline, just like other commands. This input is automatically passed to the custom command's block.
Let's make our own command that doubles every value it receives as input:
def double [] {
each { |num| 2 * $num }
Now, if we call the above command later in a pipeline, we can see what it does with the input:
[1 2 3] | double
# => ╭───┬───╮
# => │ 0 │ 2 │
# => │ 1 │ 4 │
# => │ 2 │ 6 │
# => ╰───┴───╯
This command demonstrates both input and output streaming. Try running it with an infinite input:
1.. | each {||} | double
Even though the input command hasn't ended, the double
command can still receive and output values as they become available.
Press Ctrl+C to stop the command.
We can also store the input for later use using the $in
def nullify [...cols] {
let start = $in
$cols | reduce --fold $start { |col, table|
$table | upsert $col null
ls | nullify name size
# => ╭───┬──────┬──────┬──────┬───────────────╮
# => │ # │ name │ type │ size │ modified │
# => ├───┼──────┼──────┼──────┼───────────────┤
# => │ 0 │ │ file │ │ 8 minutes ago │
# => │ 1 │ │ file │ │ 8 minutes ago │
# => │ 2 │ │ file │ │ 8 minutes ago │
# => ╰───┴──────┴──────┴──────┴───────────────╯
Naming Commands
In Nushell, a command name can be a string of characters. Here are some examples of valid command names: greet
, get-size
, mycommand123
, my command
, 命令
(English translation: "command"), and even 😊
Strings which might be confused with other parser patterns should be avoided. For instance, the following command names might not be callable:
, or"1.5"
: Nushell will not allow numbers to be used as command names4MiB
: Nushell will not allow filesizes to be use₫ as command names"number#four"
: Carets and hash symbols are not allowed in command names-a
: Will not be callable, as Nushell will interpret them as flags, closures, or expressions.
While names like "+foo"
might work, they are best avoided as the parser rules might change over time. When in doubt, keep command names as simple as possible.
It's common practice in Nushell to separate the words of the command with -
for better readability. For example get-size
instead of getsize
or get_size
Because def
is a parser keyword, the command name must be known at parse time. This means that command names may not be a variable or constant. For example, the following is not allowed:
let name = "foo"
def $name [] { foo }
You can also define subcommands of commands using a space. For example, if we wanted to add a new subcommand to str
, we can create it by naming our subcommand starting with "str ". For example:
def "str mycommand" [] {
Now we can call our custom command as if it were a built-in subcommand of str
str mycommand
Of course, commands with spaces in their names are defined in the same way:
def "custom command" [] {
"This is a custom command with a space in the name!"
Multiple parameters
In the def
command, the parameters are defined in a list
. This means that multiple parameters can be separated with spaces, commas, or line-breaks.
For example, here's a version of greet
that accepts two names. Any of these three definitions will work:
# Spaces
def greet [name1 name2] {
$"Hello, ($name1) and ($name2)!"
# Commas
def greet [name1, name2] {
$"Hello, ($name1) and ($name2)!"
# Linebreaks
def greet [
] {
$"Hello, ($name1) and ($name2)!"
Required positional parameters
The basic argument definitions used above are positional. The first argument passed into the greet
command above is assigned to the name1
parameter (and, as mentioned above, the $name1
variable). The second argument becomes the name2
parameter and the $name2
By default, positional parameters are required. Using our previous definition of greet
with two required, positional parameters:
def greet [name1, name2] {
$"Hello, ($name1) and ($name2)!"
greet Wei Mei
# => Hello, Wei and Mei!
greet Wei
# => Error: nu::parser::missing_positional
# =>
# =>
# => × Missing required positional argument.
# => ╭─[entry #10:1:10]
# => 1 │ greet Mei
# => ╰────
# => help: Usage: greet <name1> <name2> . Use `--help` for more information.
Try typing a third name after this version of greet
. Notice that the parser automatically detects the error and highlights the third argument as an error even before execution.
Optional Positional Parameters
We can define a positional parameter as optional by putting a question mark (?
) after its name. For example:
def greet [name?: string] {
$"Hello, ($name | default 'You')"
# => Hello, You
Notice that the name used to access the variable does not include the ?
; only its definition in the command signature.
When an optional parameter is not passed, its value in the command body is equal to null
. The above example uses the default
command to provide a default of "You" when name
is null
You could also compare the value directly:
def greet [name?: string] {
match $name {
null => "Hello! I don't know your name!"
_ => $"Hello, ($name)!"
# => Hello! I don't know your name!
If required and optional positional parameters are used together, then the required parameters must appear in the definition first.
Parameters with a Default Value
You can also set a default value for the parameter when it is missing. Parameters with a default value are also optional when calling the command.
def greet [name = "Nushell"] {
$"Hello, ($name)!"
You can call this command either without the parameter or with a value to override the default value:
# => Hello, Nushell!
greet world
# => Hello, World!
You can also combine a default value with a type annotation:
def congratulate [age: int = 18] {
$"Happy birthday! You are ($age) years old now!"
Parameter Types
For each parameter, you can optionally define its type. For example, you can write the basic greet
command as:
def greet [name: string] {
$"Hello, ($name)"
If a parameter is not type-annotated, Nushell will treat it as an any
type. If you annotate a type on a parameter, Nushell will check its type when you call the function.
For example, let's say you wanted to only accept an int
instead of a string
def greet [name: int] {
$"hello ($name)"
greet World
If we try to run the above, Nushell will tell us that the types don't match:
error: Type Error
┌─ shell:6:7
5 │ greet world
│ ^^^^^ Expected int
Type checks are a parser feature. When entering a custom command at the command-line, the Nushell parser can even detect invalid argument types in real-time and highlight them before executing the command.
The highlight style can be changed using a theme or manually using $env.config.color_config.shape_garbage
List of Type Annotations
Most types can be used as type-annotations. In addition, there are a few "shapes" which can be used. For instance:
: Accepts either anint
or afloat
: A string where the~
characters have special meaning and will automatically be expanded to the full-path equivalent. See Path in the Language Reference Guide for example
: A subset ofpath
(above). Only directories will be offered when using tab-completion for the parameter. Expansions take place just as withpath
: Available, but currently no known valid usage. See Error in the Language Reference Guide for more information.
The following types can be used for parameter annotations:
In addition to positional parameters, you can also define named flags.
For example:
def greet [
name: string
--age: int
] {
name: $name
age: $age
In this version of greet
, we define the name
positional parameter as well as an age
flag. The positional parameter (since it doesn't have a ?
) is required. The named flag is optional. Calling the command without the --age
flag will set $age
to null
The --age
flag can go before or after the positional name
. Examples:
greet Lucia --age 23
# => ╭──────┬───────╮
# => │ name │ Lucia │
# => │ age │ 23 │
# => ╰──────┴───────╯
greet --age 39 Ali
# => ╭──────┬─────╮
# => │ name │ Ali │
# => │ age │ 39 │
# => ╰──────┴─────╯
greet World
# => ╭──────┬───────╮
# => │ name │ World │
# => │ age │ │
# => ╰──────┴───────╯
Flags can also be defined with a shorthand version. This allows you to pass a simpler flag as well as a longhand, easier-to-read flag.
Let's extend the previous example to use a shorthand flag for the age
def greet [
name: string
--age (-a): int
] {
name: $name
age: $age
The resulting variable is always based on the long flag name. In the above example, the variable continues to be $age
. $a
would not be valid.
Now, we can call this updated definition using the shorthand flag:
greet Akosua -a 35
# => ╭──────┬────────╮
# => │ name │ Akosua │
# => │ age │ 35 │
# => ╰──────┴────────╯
Flags can also be used as basic switches. When present, the variable based on the switch is true
. When absent, it is false
def greet [
name: string
] {
let greeting = $"Hello, ($name)!"
if $caps {
$greeting | str upcase
} else {
greet Miguel --caps
greet Chukwuemeka
# => Hello, Chukwuemeka!
You can also assign it to true
to enable/disable the flag:
greet Giulia --caps=false
# => Hello, Giulia!
greet Hiroshi --caps=true
Be careful of the following mistake:
greet Gabriel --caps true
Typing a space instead of an equals sign will pass true
as a positional argument, which is likely not the desired result!
To avoid confusion, annotating a boolean type on a flag is not allowed:
def greet [
--caps: bool # Not allowed
] { ... }
Flags can contain dashes. They can be accessed by replacing the dash with an underscore in the resulting variable name:
def greet [
name: string
] {
let greeting = $"Hello, ($name)!"
if $all_caps {
$greeting | str upcase
} else {
Rest parameters
There may be cases when you want to define a command which takes any number of positional arguments. We can do this with a "rest" parameter, using the following ...
def multi-greet [...names: string] {
for $name in $names {
print $"Hello, ($name)!"
multi-greet Elin Lars Erik
# => Hello, Elin!
# => Hello, Lars!
# => Hello, Erik!
We could call the above definition of the greet
command with any number of arguments, including none at all. All of the arguments are collected into $names
as a list.
Rest parameters can be used together with positional parameters:
def vip-greet [vip: string, ...names: string] {
for $name in $names {
print $"Hello, ($name)!"
print $"And a special welcome to our VIP today, ($vip)!"
# $vip $name
# ----- -------------------------
vip-greet Rahul Priya Arjun Anjali Vikram
# => Hello, Priya!
# => Hello, Arjun!
# => Hello, Anjali!
# => Hello, Vikram!
# => And a special welcome to our VIP today, Rahul!
To pass a list to a rest parameter, you can use the spread operator (...
). Using the vip-greet
command definition above:
let vip = "Tanisha"
let guests = [ Dwayne, Shanice, Jerome ]
vip-greet $vip ...$guests
# => Hello, Dwayne!
# => Hello, Shanice!
# => Hello, Jerome!
# => And a special welcome to our VIP today, Tanisha!
Rest Parameters with Wrapped External Commands
Custom commands defined with def --wrapped
will collect any unknown flags and arguments into a rest-parameter which can then be passed, via list-spreading, to an external command. This allows a custom command to "wrap" and extend the external command while still accepting all of its original parameters. For example, the external eza
command displays a directory listing. By default, it displays a grid arrangement:
eza commands
# => categories docs
We can define a new command ezal
which will always display a long-listing, adding icons:
def --wrapped ezal [] {
eza -l ...$rest
You could also add --icons
. We're omitting that in this example simply because those icons don't display well in this guide.
Notice that --wrapped
forces any additional parameters into the rest
parameter, so the command can be called with any parameter that eza
supports. Those additional parameters will be expanded via the list-spreading operation ...$rest
ezal commands
# => drwxr-xr-x - ntd 7 Feb 11:41 categories
# => drwxr-xr-x - ntd 7 Feb 11:41 docs
# => .rw-r--r-- 936 ntd 14 Jun 2024
ezal -d commands
# => drwxr-xr-x - ntd 14 Jun 2024 commands
The custom command can check for certain parameters and change its behavior accordingly. For instance, when using the -G
option to force a grid, we can omit passing a -l
to eza
def --wrapped ezal [] {
if '-G' in $rest {
eza ...$rest
} else {
eza -l --icons ...$rest
ezal -G commands
# => categories docs
Pipeline Input-Output Signature
By default, custom commands accept <any>
type as pipeline input and likewise can output <any>
type. But custom commands can also be given explicit signatures to narrow the types allowed.
For example, the signature for str stats
looks like this:
def "str stats" []: string -> record { }
Here, string -> record
defines the allowed types of the pipeline input and output of the command:
- It accepts a
as pipeline input - It outputs a
If there are multiple input/output types, they can be placed within brackets and separated with commas or newlines, as in str join
def "str join" [separator?: string]: [
list -> string
string -> string
] { }
This indicates that str join
can accept either a list<any>
or a string
as pipeline input. In either case, it will output a string
Some commands don't accept or require data as pipeline input. In this case, the input type will be <nothing>
. The same is true for the output type if the command returns null
(e.g., rm
or hide
def xhide [module: string, members?]: nothing -> nothing { }
The example above is renamed xhide
so that copying it to the REPL will not shadow the built-in hide
Input-output signatures are shown in the help
for a command (both built-in and custom) and can also be introspected through:
help commands | where name == <command_name>
scope commands | where name == <command_name>
Input-Output signatures allow Nushell to catch two additional categories of errors at parse-time:
Attempting to return the wrong type from a command. For example:
def inc []: int -> int { $in + 1 print "Did it!" } # => Error: nu::parser::output_type_mismatch # => # => × Command output doesn't match int. # => ╭─[entry #12:1:24] # => 1 │ ╭─▶ def inc []: int -> int { # => 2 │ │ $in + 1 # => 3 │ │ print "Did it!" # => 4 │ ├─▶ } # => · ╰──── expected int, but command outputs nothing # => ╰────
And attempting to pass an invalid type into a command:
def inc []: int -> int { $in + 1 } "Hi" | inc # => Error: nu::parser::input_type_mismatch # => # => × Command does not support string input. # => ╭─[entry #16:1:8] # => 1 │ "Hi" | inc # => · ─┬─ # => · ╰── command doesn't support string input # => ╰────
Documenting Your Command
In order to best help users understand how to use your custom commands, you can also document them with additional descriptions for the commands and parameters.
Run help vip-greet
to examine our most recent command defined above:
> vip-greet <vip> ...(names)
-h, --help - Display the help message for this command
vip <string>
...names <string>
Input/output types:
│ # │ input │ output │
│ 0 │ any │ any │
You can see that Nushell automatically created some basic help for the command simply based on our definition so far. Nushell also automatically adds a --help
flag to the command, so users can also access the help using vip-greet --help
We can extend the help further with some simple comments describing the command and its parameters:
# Greet guests along with a VIP
# Use for birthdays, graduation parties,
# retirements, and any other event which
# celebrates an event # for a particular
# person.
def vip-greet [
vip: string # The special guest
...names: string # The other guests
] {
for $name in $names {
print $"Hello, ($name)!"
print $"And a special welcome to our VIP today, ($vip)!"
Now run help vip-greet
again to see the difference:
Greet guests along with a VIP
Use for birthdays, graduation parties,
retirements, and any other event which
celebrates an event # for a particular
Category: default
This command:
- does not create a scope.
- is not a built-in command.
- is not a subcommand.
- is not part of a plugin.
- is a custom command.
- is not a keyword.
> vip-greet <vip>
-h, --help - Display the help message for this command
<any> | vip-greet[ <string>] -> <any>
vip: <string> The special guest <string> The other guests
Notice that the comments on the lines immediately before the def
statement become a description of the command in the help system. Multiple lines of comments can be used. The first line (before the blank-comment line) becomes the Help description
. This information is also shown when tab-completing commands.
The remaining comment lines become its extra_description
in the help data.
scope commands
| where name == 'vip-greet'
| wrap help
This will show the Help record that Nushell creates.
The comments following the parameters become their description. Only a single-line comment is valid for parameters.
A Nushell comment that continues on the same line for argument documentation purposes requires a space before the #
pound sign.
Changing the Environment in a Custom Command
Normally, environment variable definitions and changes are scoped within a block. This means that changes to those variables are lost when they go out of scope at the end of the block, including the block of a custom command.
def foo [] {
$env.FOO = 'After'
$env.FOO = "Before"
# => Before
However, a command defined using def --env
or export def --env
(for a Module) will preserve the environment on the caller's side:
def --env foo [] {
$env.FOO = 'After'
$env.FOO = "Before"
# => After
Changing Directories (cd) in a Custom Command
Likewise, changing the directory using the cd
command results in a change of the $env.PWD
environment variable. This means that directory changes (the $env.PWD
variable) will also be reset when a custom command ends. The solution, as above, is to use def --env
or export def --env
def --env go-home [] {
cd ~
cd /
# => Your home directory
To make custom commands available in future Nushell sessions, you'll want to add them to your startup configuration. You can add command definitions:
- Directly in your
- To a file sourced by your
- To a module imported by your
See the configuration chapter for more details.