
Nushell values can be assigned to named variables using the let, const, or mut keywords. After creating a variable, we can refer to it using $ followed by its name.

Types of Variables

Immutable Variables

An immutable variable cannot change its value after declaration. They are declared using the let keyword,

> let val = 42
> print $val

However, they can be 'shadowed'. Shadowing means that they are redeclared and their initial value cannot be used anymore within the same scope.

> let val = 42                   # declare a variable
> do { let val = 101;  $val }    # in an inner scope, shadow the variable
> $val                           # in the outer scope the variable remains unchanged

Mutable Variables

A mutable variable is allowed to change its value by assignment. These are declared using the mut keyword.

> mut val = 42
> $val += 27
> $val

There are a couple of assignment operators used with mutable variables

=Assigns a new value to the variable
+=Adds a value to the variable and makes the sum its new value
-=Subtracts a value from the variable and makes the difference its new value
*=Multiplies the variable by a value and makes the product its new value
/=Divides the variable by a value and makes the quotient its new value
++=Appends a list or a value to a variable


  1. +=, -=, *= and /= are only valid in the contexts where their root operations are expected to work. For example, += uses addition, so it can not be used for contexts where addition would normally fail
  2. ++= requires that either the variable or the argument is a list.

More on Mutability

Closures and nested defs cannot capture mutable variables from their environment. For example

# naive method to count number of elements in a list
mut x = 0

[1 2 3] | each { $x += 1 }   # error: $x is captured in a closure

To use mutable variables for such behaviour, you are encouraged to use the loops

Constant Variables

A constant variable is an immutable variable that can be fully evaluated at parse-time. These are useful with commands that need to know the value of an argument at parse time, like source, use and plugin use. See how nushell code gets run for a deeper explanation. They are declared using the const keyword

const script_file = 'path/to/'
source $script_file

Variable Names

Variable names in Nushell come with a few restrictions as to what characters they can contain. In particular, they cannot contain these characters:

.  [  (  {  +  -  *  ^  /  =  !  <  >  &  |

It is common for some scripts to declare variables that start with $. This is allowed, and it is equivalent to the $ not being there at all.

> let $var = 42
# identical to `let var = 42`