detect columns for strings

Attempt to automatically split text into multiple columns.


> detect columns {flags}


  • --skip, -s {int}: number of rows to skip before detecting
  • --no-headers, -n: don't detect headers
  • --combine-columns, -c {range}: columns to be combined; listed as a range
  • --guess, -: detect columns by guessing width, it may be useful if default one doesn't work

Input/output types:



use --guess if you find default algorithm not working

'Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
none             8150224         4   8150220   1% /mnt/c' | detect columns --guess
 # │ Filesystem │ 1K-blocks │ Used │ Available │ Use% │ Mounted on │
 0 none 8150224 4 8150220 1% /mnt/c

detect columns with no headers

> 'a b c' | detect columns  --no-headers
 # │ column0 │ column1 │ column2 │
 0 a b c

> $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns 0..1

Splits a multi-line string into columns with headers detected

> $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns -2..-1

Splits a multi-line string into columns with headers detected

> $'c1 c2 c3 c4 c5(char nl)a b c d e' | detect columns --combine-columns 2..

Parse external ls command and combine columns for datetime

> ^ls -lh | detect columns --no-headers --skip 1 --combine-columns 5..7