
aliasAlias a command (with optional flags) to a new name.
breakBreak a loop.
commandlineView the current command line input buffer.
commandline editModify the current command line input buffer.
commandline get-cursorGet the current cursor position.
commandline set-cursorSet the current cursor position.
constCreate a parse-time constant.
continueContinue a loop from the next iteration.
defDefine a custom command.
describeDescribe the type and structure of the value(s) piped in.
doRun a closure, providing it with the pipeline input.
echoReturns its arguments, ignoring the piped-in value.
error makeCreate an error.
exportExport definitions or environment variables from a module.
export aliasAlias a command (with optional flags) to a new name and export it from a module.
export constUse parse-time constant from a module and export them from this module.
export defDefine a custom command and export it from a module.
export externDefine an extern and export it from a module.
export moduleExport a custom module from a module.
export useUse definitions from a module and export them from this module.
externDefine a signature for an external command.
forLoop over a range.
helpDisplay help information about different parts of Nushell.
help aliasesShow help on nushell aliases.
help commandsShow help on nushell commands.
help escapesShow help on nushell string escapes.
help externsShow help on nushell externs.
help modulesShow help on nushell modules.
help operatorsShow help on nushell operators.
hideHide definitions in the current scope.
hide-envHide environment variables in the current scope.
ifConditionally run a block.
ignoreIgnore the output of the previous command in the pipeline.
is-adminCheck if nushell is running with administrator or root privileges.
letCreate a variable and give it a value.
loopRun a block in a loop.
matchConditionally run a block on a matched value.
moduleDefine a custom module.
mutCreate a mutable variable and give it a value.
overlayCommands for manipulating overlays.
overlay hideHide an active overlay.
overlay listList all active overlays.
overlay newCreate an empty overlay.
overlay useUse definitions from a module as an overlay.
returnReturn early from a function.
scopeCommands for getting info about what is in scope.
scope aliasesOutput info on the aliases in the current scope.
scope commandsOutput info on the commands in the current scope.
scope engine-statsOutput stats on the engine in the current state.
scope externsOutput info on the known externals in the current scope.
scope modulesOutput info on the modules in the current scope.
scope variablesOutput info on the variables in the current scope.
sourceRuns a script file in the current context.
source-envSource the environment from a source file into the current environment.
tryTry to run a block, if it fails optionally run a catch closure.
useUse definitions from a module, making them available in your shell.
versionDisplay Nu version, and its build configuration.
whileConditionally run a block in a loop.