find for filters

Searches terms in the input.


> find {flags}


  • --regex, -r {string}: regex to match with
  • --ignore-case, -i: case-insensitive regex mode; equivalent to (?i)
  • --multiline, -m: multi-line regex mode: ^ and $ match begin/end of line; equivalent to (?m)
  • --dotall, -s: dotall regex mode: allow a dot . to match newlines \n; equivalent to (?s)
  • --columns, -c {list<string>}: column names to be searched (with rest parameter, not regex yet)
  • --invert, -v: invert the match


  • Terms to search.

Input/output types:



Search for multiple terms in a command output

> ls | find toml md sh

Search and highlight text for a term in a string. Note that regular search is case insensitive

> 'Cargo.toml' | find cargo

Search a number or a file size in a list of numbers

> [1 5 3kb 4 3Mb] | find 5 3kb
 0       5
 1 2.9 KiB

Search a char in a list of string

> [moe larry curly] | find l
 0 larry
 1 curly

Find using regex

> [abc bde arc abf] | find --regex "ab"
 0 abc
 1 abf

Find using regex case insensitive

> [aBc bde Arc abf] | find --regex "ab" -i
 0 aBc
 1 abf

Find value in records using regex

> [[version name]; ['0.1.0' nushell] ['0.1.1' fish] ['0.2.0' zsh]] | find --regex "nu"
 # │ version │  name   │
 0 0.1.0 nushell

Find inverted values in records using regex

> [[version name]; ['0.1.0' nushell] ['0.1.1' fish] ['0.2.0' zsh]] | find --regex "nu" --invert
 # │ version │ name │
 0 0.1.1 fish
 1 0.2.0 zsh

Find value in list using regex

> [["Larry", "Moe"], ["Victor", "Marina"]] | find --regex "rr"
 0 ╭───┬───────╮
 0 Larry
 1 Moe

Find inverted values in records using regex

> [["Larry", "Moe"], ["Victor", "Marina"]] | find --regex "rr" --invert
 0 ╭───┬────────╮
 0 Victor
 1 Marina

Remove ANSI sequences from result

> [[foo bar]; [abc 123] [def 456]] | find 123 | get bar | ansi strip

Find and highlight text in specific columns

> [[col1 col2 col3]; [moe larry curly] [larry curly moe]] | find moe --columns [col1]
 # │ col1 │ col2  │ col3  │
 0 moe larry curly