mktemp for filesystem

Create temporary files or directories using uutils/coreutils mktemp.


> mktemp {flags} (template)


  • --suffix, - {string}: Append suffix to template; must not contain a slash.
  • --tmpdir-path, -p {path}: Interpret TEMPLATE relative to tmpdir-path. If tmpdir-path is not set use $TMPDIR
  • --tmpdir, -t: Interpret TEMPLATE relative to the system temporary directory.
  • --directory, -d: Create a directory instead of a file.


  • template: Optional pattern from which the name of the file or directory is derived. Must contain at least three 'X's in last component.

Input/output types:



Make a temporary file with the given suffix in the current working directory.

> mktemp --suffix .txt

Make a temporary file named testfile.XXX with the 'X's as random characters in the current working directory.

> mktemp testfile.XXX

Make a temporary file with a template in the system temp directory.

> mktemp -t testfile.XXX

Make a temporary directory with randomly generated name in the temporary directory.

> mktemp -d