rotate for filters

Rotates a table or record clockwise (default) or counter-clockwise (use --ccw flag).


> rotate {flags}


  • --ccw, -: rotate counter clockwise


  • the names to give columns once rotated

Input/output types:



Rotate a record clockwise, producing a table (like transpose but with column order reversed)

> {a:1, b:2} | rotate
 # │ column0 │ column1 │
 0       1 a
 1       2 b

Rotate 2x3 table clockwise

> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4] [5 6]] | rotate
 # │ column0 │ column1 │ column2 │ column3 │
 0       5       3       1 a
 1       6       4       2 b

Rotate table clockwise and change columns names

> [[a b]; [1 2]] | rotate col_a col_b
 # │ col_a │ col_b │
 0     1 a
 1     2 b

Rotate table counter clockwise

> [[a b]; [1 2]] | rotate --ccw
 # │ column0 │ column1 │
 0 b       2
 1 a       1

Rotate table counter-clockwise

> [[a b]; [1 2] [3 4] [5 6]] | rotate --ccw
 # │ column0 │ column1 │ column2 │ column3 │
 0 b       2       4       6
 1 a       1       3       5

Rotate table counter-clockwise and change columns names

> [[a b]; [1 2]] | rotate --ccw col_a col_b
 # │ col_a │ col_b │
 0 b     2
 1 a     1