Happy Nu Year 2020

Happy Nu Year!

2019 was quite the year for Nushell. We landed the initial commit on May 10th, and 1881 commits later we find ourselves at the end of 2019. What all happened this year?

We started off with quite the bang! After quietly working on Nu for a few months, we wrote up a blog postopen in new window to explain what Nu was. To our surprise, the post got a surprisingly warm reception! Soon, we were recording a podcast with the Changelog to talk about Nuopen in new window.

As the excitement calmed back to everyday levels, we got to the work of turning this minimum-viable product into the real thing. More than 65 people joined us to help fix bugs, test code, write docs, and explore new directions.

Where are we?

At the end of 2019, where are we?

What's ahead?

That said, it's "def early daysopen in new window" for Nu, as one recent user put it. We couldn't agree more. It's not quite ready for people to use as their everyday shell. Things we're working on in 2020 to make it possible for everyone to use Nu in their day-to-day work:

  • Stability fixes! We'll be working hard to make Nu rock solid.
  • Aliases, variables, functions, scripts
  • Better integration with the native OS
  • Improved line editing
  • A better motto (lots of people confused about what "Github-era" means)

In short, it's been a lot of fun, a lot of work, and we met some new friends along the way. A very big "thanks!" to all our contributors this year!

Nushell repo

> fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/nushell/stats/contributors | get author | sort-by login | get login
 #  │ <value>
  0 Aloso
  1 BatmanAoD
  2 BradyBromley
  3 BurNiinTRee
  4 Detegr
  5 DrSensor
  6 Flare576
  7 GuillaumeGomez
  8 JesterOrNot
  9 JonnyWalker81
 10 Paradiesstaub
 11 Porges
 12 Southclaws
 13 aidanharris
 14 andrasio
 15 bndbsh
 16 chhetripradeep
 17 coolshaurya
 18 cristicismas
 19 davidrobertmason
 20 devnought
 21 djc
 22 drmason13
 23 eoinkelly
 24 est31
 25 gilesv
 26 iamcodemaker
 27 incrop
 28 ineol
 29 jankoprowski
 30 jdvr
 31 jerodsanto
 32 landaire
 33 lesichkovm
 34 marcelocg
 35 max-sixty
 36 mfarberbrodsky
 37 miller-time
 38 mlbright
 39 nalshihabi
 40 naufraghi
 41 notryanb
 42 oknozor
 43 orf
 44 oskarskog
 45 piotrek-szczygiel
 46 pizzafox
 47 pka
 48 pmeredit
 49 quebin31
 #  │ <value>
 50 ramonsnir
 51 rnxpyke
 52 rtlechow
 53 sdfnz
 54 sebastian-xyz
 55 sophiajt
 56 svartalf
 57 t-hart
 58 taiki-e
 59 tchak
 60 thegedge
 61 tim77
 62 twe4ked
 63 uma0317
 64 vsoch
 65 vthriller
 66 wycats
 67 yaahc
 68 yahsinhuangtw

Nushell book repo

> fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/book/stats/contributors | get author | sort-by login | get login
 #  │ <value>
  0 Andrew-Webb
  1 andrasio
  2 boisgera
  3 jankoprowski
  4 landaire
  5 lord
  6 marcelocg
  7 mistydemeo
  8 mlh758
  9 pizzafox
 10 pka
 11 romanlevin
 12 rtlechow
 13 sebastian-xyz
 14 sophiajt
 15 ymgyt

Contributor book

> fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/contributor-book/stats/contributors | get author | sort-by login | get login
 # │ <value>
 0 andrasio
 1 daveremy
 2 jankoprowski
 3 sophiajt
 4 sebastian-xyz


> fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/cookbook/stats/contributors | get author | sort-by login | get login
 # │ <value>
 0 sophiajt
 1 notryanb
 2 sebastian-xyz


> fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/blog/stats/contributors | get author | sort-by login | get login
 # │ <value>
 0 Aloso
 1 sophiajt
 2 sebastian-xyz
 3 waldyrious