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Nushell 0.96.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.96.0 of Nu. This release adds a new internal representation compiler and evaluator (in preview), makes `$in` expressions more consistent, adds autoload directories for package managers to use when bundling additional functionality for Nushell, enables new functionality for plugins, and includes numerous bug fixes and improvements to usability.

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Nushell 0.95.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.95.0 of Nu. This release adds external command parsing improvements, plugin version reporting, parse-time evaluation for many more string commands, constants for cache and data directories, and many bug fixes!

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Nushell 0.94.2

Today, we're releasing version 0.94.2 of Nu. This is a patch release to fix issues introduced by 0.94.0 and 0.94.1.

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Nushell 0.94.1

Today, we're releasing version 0.94.1 of Nu. This is a patch release to fix issues introduced by 0.94.0.

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Nushell 0.94.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.94.0 of Nu. This release adds case-preserving environment, changes to path handling, raw string literals, and improvements to streaming!

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Nushell Bashisms

These are the "bashisms" that Nushell supports.

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Top 5 Nushell Hacks

Here are the top 5 nushell hacks.

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Nushell 30k stars blog post

The Nushell GitHub Repository has reached 30,000 stars and we'd like to say thanks!

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Nushell 0.93.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.93.0 of Nu. This release reworks plugin management, allows plugins to interact with the terminal, adds a new Polars plugin, and makes some changes around setting environment variables.

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Nushell 0.92.2 (hot-fix)

Today, we're releasing version 0.92.2 of Nu. This release fixes a security vulnerability present in 0.92.1 on Windows.

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Nushell 0.92.1 (hot-fix)

Today, we're releasing version 0.92.1 of Nu. This release fixes issues present in 0.92.0, including with hooks that modify scope and with the mkdir and touch commands.

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Nushell 0.92.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.92.0 of Nu. This release adds exciting new plugin features (persistence, a reworked API, and more functionality), a simple profiler, support for XDG_CONFIG_HOME, scoped file redirections, and changes to external command output.

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Nushell 0.91.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.91.0 of Nu. This release adds changes to globing, an overhaul to the plugin protocol, support for piping command stderr, and new commands!

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Nushell 0.90.1

Today, we're releasing version 0.90.1 of Nu. This release adds new completion menu improvements, unifies how globbing works across commands, and improves many existing commands.

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Nushell 0.89.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.89.0 of Nu. This release adds spreading of argument lists to command calls, better editor integration, and many bugfixes.

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Who's got talent?

We are looking for a logo and a mascot: WE NEED YOU!

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Nushell 0.88.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.88.0 of Nu. This release adds a spread operator, output stream improvements, dynamic switch support, and much more.

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Nushell 2023 Survey Results

Let's take a look at the results of the 2023 Nushell survey

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Nushell 0.87.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.87.0 of Nu. This release focussed heavily on improving internals, fills a few gaps in our command set and completion handling, and starts work on an integrated LSP language server.

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Nushell 0.86

Today, we're releasing version 0.86 of Nu. This release adds fish-like directory completions, type system improvements, our first officially supported uutils command, and much more.

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Nushell 0.85

Today, we're releasing version 0.85 of Nu. This release adds the first uutils command, unlocks more constant evaluation at parse time, and polishes many commands.

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Celebrating 4 years of Nushell

Today, we're celebrating 4 years since Nushell's first public release.

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Nushell 0.84.0

Today, we're releasing version 0.84.0 of Nu. This release adds adds exporting constants from modules, `scope` commands improvements, cosmetic changes, and many smaller changes to our commands.

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Nushell 0.83.1 (hot-fix)

Today, we're releasing patch version 0.83.1 of Nu. This hot-fix release aims to fix issues introduced by 0.83.0 and its type system changes.

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Nushell 0.83

Today, we're releasing version 0.83 of Nu. This release adds match guards, stronger type checking features, unit testing improvements, flexible variable initializations, and more.

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Nushell 0.82

Today, we're releasing version 0.82 of Nu. This release focuses on polishing the user experience.

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Reaching a nu phase in Nushell's development - The road from 0.82 to 1.0

Ahead of the 0.82 release, we share our plans on how we intend to stabilize for 1.0 and announce that we slow to a four-week release schedule.

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Nushell 0.81

Today, we're releasing version 0.81 of Nu. This release focuses on polishing the user experience.

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Nushell 0.80

Today, we're releasing version 0.80 of Nu. This release adds record type annotations, modules from directories, and improvements to the standard library.

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Nushell 0.79

Today, we're releasing version 0.79 of Nu. This release adds a standard library written in nu itself and enhanced IDE support.

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Nushell 0.78

Today, we're releasing version 0.78 of Nu. This release adds pattern matching, speed improvements, easier cell paths when columns may be missing, better error handling, and much more.

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Nushell 0.77

Today, we're releasing version 0.77 of Nu. This release adds reworked aliases, more consistent timestamp handling, reworked XML support, and more.

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Nushell 0.76

Today, we're releasing version 0.76 of Nu. This release adds more commands for debugging, multiplication to clone strings, and moves some file formats to a plugin, thanks to better plugin support.

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Nushell 0.75

Today, we're releasing version 0.75 of Nu. This release extends our unicode support, renames some important HTTP-related commands, and improves our module system. It also contains a good amount of polish and refactoring behind the scenes.

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Nushell 0.74

Today, we're releasing version 0.74 of Nu. This release includes improvements on handling signatures of `exec` and known externals, improved `help`, initial support for parse-time constants, new commands, and many improvements to our existing commands.

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Nushell 0.73

Today, we're releasing version 0.73 of Nu. This release includes new math commands, an interactive data viewer, and many command refinements.

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Nushell 0.72

Today, we're releasing version 0.72 of Nu. This release includes many new features include mutability, looping, early returns, changes to the core commands, and much more.

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Nushell 0.71

Today, we're releasing version 0.71 of Nu. This release includes new operators, better consistency, improved completions, and more.

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Nushell 0.70

Today, we're releasing version 0.70 of Nu. This release includes big improvements to table drawing and lots of overall polish.

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Nushell 0.69

Today, we're releasing version 0.69 of Nu. This release includes bugfixes and improvements to existing languages.

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Nushell 0.68

Today, we're releasing version 0.68 of Nu. This is release a rework of modules, a new source-env command, overlay changes, and more.

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Nushell 0.67

Today, we're releasing version 0.67 of Nu. This is release includes a new variable naming convention, improvements to file modules and file sourcing, and more.

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Nushell 0.66

Today, we're releasing version 0.66 of Nu. This is release includes a new table output, better exit code support, and more.

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Nushell 0.65

Today, we're releasing version 0.65 of Nu. This release includes better support for binary data, a new way of checking source files for correctness, improved command unification, and more.

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Nushell 0.64

Today, we're releasing version 0.64 of Nu. It's the first to include input overloading, input/output types, and lazy dataframes.

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Nushell 0.63

Today, we're releasing version 0.63 of Nu. This release is the first to include the 'overlays' feature, hooks, lazy dataframes, and more.

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Nushell 0.62

Today, we're releasing version 0.62 of Nu. This release deeper integration with sqlite, new completion logic, and much more.

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Nushell 0.61

Today, we're releasing version 0.61 of Nu. This release includes UI improvements, many bugfixes, improved glob support, and more.

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Nushell 0.60

Today, we're releasing version 0.60 of Nu. This is an enormous release, with lots of changes across all aspects of Nushell.

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Nushell 0.59 (aka 0.60 beta)

Today, we're releasing a beta release of 0.60 of Nu. This is to get early feedback on 0.60 before it's full release in three weeks.

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Nushell 0.44

Today, we're releasing 0.44 of Nu. This is the last release before engine-q becomes the new engine.

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Nushell 0.43

Today, we're releasing 0.43 of Nu. This release is a bugfix release of 0.42.

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Nushell 0.42

Today, we're releasing 0.42 of Nu. This release is a bugfix release of 0.41.

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Nushell 0.41

Today, we're releasing 0.41 of Nu. This release is a bugfix release of 0.40.

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Nushell 0.40

Today, we're releasing 0.40 of Nu. This release is includes better table imports and much smaller release size.

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Nushell 0.39

Today, we're releasing 0.39 of Nu. This release is a bugfix release of 0.38.

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Nushell 0.38

Today, we're releasing 0.38 of Nu. This release includes polish to the user interface, improvements to how columns are passed, lots of bug fixes, and updates on the upcoming engine.

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Nushell 0.37

Today, we're releasing 0.37 of Nu. This release adds a new find function, improvements to the current engine, and updates on the upcoming engine.

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Nushell 0.36

Today, we're releasing 0.36 of Nu. This release fixes some long-standing issues with history, improves the help system, improves dataframes, and much more.

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Two years of Nushell

Happy birthday, Nushell! Today mark's the second year for Nushell.

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Nushell 0.35

Today, we're releasing 0.35 of Nu. This release shows off a lot of dataframe progress and lots of command polish.

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Nushell 0.34

Today, we're releasing 0.34 of Nu. This release is the first to support dataframes and also includes a set of usability improvements.

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Nushell 0.33

Today, we're releasing 0.33 of Nu. This release includes improved completions, support for pipeline variables, syntax theming and more.

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Nushell 0.32

Today, we're releasing 0.32 of Nu. This release contains a large amount of usability improvements.

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Nushell 0.31

Today, we're releasing 0.31 of Nu. This release includes continued polish of the engine and commands.

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Nushell 0.30

Today, we're releasing 0.30 of Nu. This release adds big improvements to performance and simplicity of the engine.

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Nushell 0.29

Today, we're releasing 0.29 of Nu. This release adds more polish for paths, streaming, and more.

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Nushell 0.28

Today, we're releasing 0.28 of Nu. In this release we've added new commands for working with tables, paths, and lots of general feature improvements.

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Nushell 0.27

Today, we're releasing 0.27 of Nu. This release fixes some long-standing issues with Nushell.

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Nushell 0.26

Today, we're releasing 0.26 of Nu. It's a polish release with lots of improvements.

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Nushell 0.25

Today, we're releasing 0.25 of Nu. It's one of the largest releases we've ever done.

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Nushell 0.24

Today, we're releasing 0.24 of Nu. We've added a few new utilities, improved the existing date functionality, and more.

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Nushell 0.23

Today, we're releasing 0.23 of Nu. In this version, we continue improving the commands, release a new website, and talk about some of the experiments that will be making their way into Nu in future versions.

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Nushell 0.22

Today, we're releasing 0.22 of Nu. In this version, we introduce a new flattening command, more math commands, we remove it-expansion, and add a lot of assorted improvements.

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Nushell 0.21

Today, we're releasing 0.21 of Nu. In this version, we introduce a charting functionality for quickly exploring data, stability improvements, and some general command cleanups.

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Nushell 0.20

Today, we're releasing 0.20 of Nu. In this version, we're introducing some new features for working with rows, improvements to completions, and more.

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Nushell 0.19

Today, we're releasing 0.19 of Nu. In this version, we fill some long-lived gaps in Nu, improve completions, theming, and much more.

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One year of Nushell

Hard to imagine that it's already been a year since Nu first went public. A year later and we've learned a lot, and made a few mistakes along the way. In this post, we look back over the year and see how we did and where we might be going in the future.

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Nushell 0.18

Today, we're releasing 0.18 of Nu. The focus of this release was largely to polish what is already there, ensuring that internally parts work together better, are more consistent, and are easier to maintain. We've also added new commands for working with paths, URLs, strings, and lists.

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Nushell 0.17.0

Today, we're releasing 0.17 of Nu, the first Nu to include WebAssembly, custom keybindings, and much more.

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Nushell 0.16.0

Today, we're releasing 0.16 of Nu. What's new?

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Nushell 0.15.0

Today, we're releasing 0.15 of Nu - and it has a few last-minute surprises we hope you'll find as much fun as we do.

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Nushell 0.14.0

We're excited to release version 0.14.0 of Nu!

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Nushell 0.13.0

We're excited to release version 0.13.0 of Nu! This is by *far* one the the biggest releases, yet. Let's dive in!

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Nushell 0.12.0

We're excited to release version 0.12.0 of Nu!

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Nushell 0.11.0

We're excited to release the 0.11.0 release of Nu. This release continues to push us forward with new commands, improved engine internals, bugfixes, and more.

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Nushell 0.10.0

Greetings and welcome to the 10th release of Nushell! Yes, that's right this is the tenth release of Nu we've put out in the wild, and oh is this release wild. So let's stop dilly-dallying and get right to it, shall we?

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Nushell 0.9.0

We're happy to announce the 0.9.0 release of Nu. This release offers better help and error feedback, better support for the native shell, new commands, lots of command improvements, and bugfixes.

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Nushell 0.8.0

We're happy to announce the 0.8.0 release of Nu. This continues a series of internal improvements, with better stability and correctness, and, of course, new features.

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Happy Nu Year 2020

2019 was quite the year for Nushell. We landed the initial commit on May 10th, and 1881 commits later we find ourselves at the end of 2019. What all happened this year?

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Nushell 0.7.0

We're happy to announce the 0.7.0 release of Nu. This release has a couple new features, bugfixes, and lots of internal improvements on the way to upcoming features.

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Nushell 0.6.0

We're happy to announce the 0.6.0 release of Nu. This release has a bunch of new features, bugfixes, and general improvements.

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Nushell 2019 Survey Results

Recently, we ran a short survey to see how you were feeling about nushell. Here are the results.

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Nushell 0.5.0

Today, we're happy to announce the 0.5.0 release for Nu. We've got lots of new features, including some long-requested ones, in this release.

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Nushell 0.4.0

Today we're happy to announce the 0.4.0 release of Nushell. The 0.4.0 marks a continually maturing shell that is now starting to show signs of stability. And, of course, a few fun features along the way.

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Nushell 0.3.0

We're happy to announce that today we're releasing Nushell 0.3.0. Nu has seen numerous bugfixes, performance improvements, and features added since its initial public release (which was only a few weeks ago!)

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Introducing nushell

Today, we're introducing a new shell, written in Rust. It draws inspiration from the classic Unix philosophy of pipelines, the structured data approach of PowerShell, functional programming, systems programming, and more.

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