plugin add for plugin

Add a plugin to the plugin registry file.


> plugin add {flags} (filename)


  • --plugin-config, - {path}: Use a plugin registry file other than the one set in $nu.plugin-path
  • --shell, -s {path}: Use an additional shell program (cmd, sh, python, etc.) to run the plugin


  • filename: Path to the executable for the plugin

Input/output types:



Run the nu_plugin_inc plugin from the current directory or $env.NU_PLUGIN_DIRS and install its signatures.

> plugin add nu_plugin_inc

Run the nu_plugin_polars plugin from the current directory or $env.NU_PLUGIN_DIRS, and install its signatures to the "polars.msgpackz" plugin registry file.

> plugin add --plugin-config polars.msgpackz nu_plugin_polars


This does not load the plugin commands into the scope - see plugin use for that.

Instead, it runs the plugin to get its command signatures, and then edits the plugin registry file (by default, $nu.plugin-path). The changes will be apparent the next time nu is next launched with that plugin registry file.