
cdChange directory.
completeCapture the outputs and exit code from an external piped in command in a nushell table.
cpCopy files using uutils/coreutils cp.
duFind disk usage sizes of specified items.
execExecute a command, replacing or exiting the current process, depending on platform.
globCreates a list of files and/or folders based on the glob pattern provided.
load-envLoads an environment update from a record.
lsList the filenames, sizes, and modification times of items in a directory.
mkdirCreate directories, with intermediary directories if required using uutils/coreutils mkdir.
mktempCreate temporary files or directories using uutils/coreutils mktemp.
mvMove files or directories using uutils/coreutils mv.
openLoad a file into a cell, converting to table if possible (avoid by appending '--raw').
psView information about system processes.
registry queryQuery the Windows registry.
rmRemove files and directories.
run-externalRuns external command.
saveSave a file.
startOpen a folder, file or website in the default application or viewer.
sysView information about the system.
sys cpuView information about the system CPUs.
sys disksView information about the system disks.
sys hostView information about the system host.
sys memView information about the system memory.
sys netView information about the system network interfaces.
sys tempView the temperatures of system components.
sys usersView information about the users on the system.
touchCreates one or more files.
unamePrint certain system information using uutils/coreutils uname.
watchWatch for file changes and execute Nu code when they happen.
whichFinds a program file, alias or custom command.