select for filters

Select only these columns or rows from the input. Opposite of `reject`.


> select {flags}


  • --ignore-errors, -i: ignore missing data (make all cell path members optional)


  • The columns to select from the table.

Input/output types:



Select a column in a table

> [{a: a b: b}] | select a
 # │ a │
 0 a

Select a field in a record

> {a: a b: b} | select a
 a a

Select just the name column

> ls | select name

Select the first four rows (this is the same as first 4)

> ls | select 0 1 2 3

Select multiple columns

> [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | select name type
 # │    name    │ type │
 0 Cargo.toml toml
 1 Cargo.lock toml

Select multiple columns by spreading a list

> let cols = [name type]; [[name type size]; [Cargo.toml toml 1kb] [Cargo.lock toml 2kb]] | select ...$cols
 # │    name    │ type │
 0 Cargo.toml toml
 1 Cargo.lock toml


This differs from get in that, rather than accessing the given value in the data structure, it removes all non-selected values from the structure. Hence, using select on a table will produce a table, a list will produce a list, and a record will produce a record.