window for filters

Creates a sliding window of `window_size` that slide by n rows/elements across input.


> window {flags} (window_size)


  • --stride, -s {int}: the number of rows to slide over between windows
  • --remainder, -r: yield last chunks even if they have fewer elements than size


  • window_size: The size of each window.

Input/output types:



A sliding window of two elements

> [1 2 3 4] | window 2
 0 ╭───┬───╮
 0 1
 1 2
 1 ╭───┬───╮
 0 2
 1 3
 2 ╭───┬───╮
 0 3
 1 4

A sliding window of two elements, with a stride of 3

> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] | window 2 --stride 3
 0 ╭───┬───╮
 0 1
 1 2
 1 ╭───┬───╮
 0 4
 1 5
 2 ╭───┬───╮
 0 7
 1 8

A sliding window of equal stride that includes remainder. Equivalent to chunking

> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | window 3 --stride 3 --remainder
 0 ╭───┬───╮
 0 1
 1 2
 2 3
 1 ╭───┬───╮
 0 4
 1 5


This command will error if window_size or stride are negative or zero.