polars datepart for expression

Creates an expression for capturing the specified datepart in a column.


> polars datepart {flags} (Datepart name)


  • Datepart name: Part of the date to capture. Possible values are year, quarter, month, week, weekday, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond

Input/output types:



Creates an expression to capture the year date part

> [["2021-12-30T01:02:03.123456789"]] | polars into-df | polars as-datetime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%9f" | polars with-column [(polars col datetime | polars datepart year | polars as datetime_year )]
 # │  datetime   │ datetime_year │
 0 2 years ago          2021

Creates an expression to capture multiple date parts

> [["2021-12-30T01:02:03.123456789"]] | polars into-df | polars as-datetime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%9f" |
                polars with-column [ (polars col datetime | polars datepart year | polars as datetime_year ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart month | polars as datetime_month ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart day | polars as datetime_day ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart hour | polars as datetime_hour ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart minute | polars as datetime_minute ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart second | polars as datetime_second ),
                (polars col datetime | polars datepart nanosecond | polars as datetime_ns ) ]
 # │  datetime   │ datetime_year │ datetime_month │ datetime_day │ datetime_hour │ datetime_minute │ datetime_second │ datetime_ns │
 0 2 years ago          2021             12           30             1               2               3   123456789