polars into-df for dataframe

Converts a list, table or record into a dataframe.


> polars into-df {flags}


  • --schema, -s {record}: Polars Schema in format [{name: str}]. CSV, JSON, and JSONL files

Input/output types:



Takes a dictionary and creates a dataframe

> [[a b];[1 2] [3 4]] | polars into-df
 # │ a │ b │
 0 1 2
 1 3 4

Takes a list of tables and creates a dataframe

> [[1 2 a] [3 4 b] [5 6 c]] | polars into-df
 # │ 0 │ 1 │ 2 │
 0 1 2 a
 1 3 4 b
 2 5 6 c

Takes a list and creates a dataframe

> [a b c] | polars into-df
 # │ 0 │
 0 a
 1 b
 2 c

Takes a list of booleans and creates a dataframe

> [true true false] | polars into-df
 # │   0   │
 0 true
 1 true
 2 false

Convert to a dataframe and provide a schema

> {a: 1, b: {a: [1 2 3]}, c: [a b c]}| polars into-df -s {a: u8, b: {a: list<u64>}, c: list<str>}
 # │ a │         b         │     c     │
 0 1 ╭───┬───────────╮ ╭───┬───╮
 ╭───┬───╮ 0 a
 a 0 1 1 b
 1 2 2 c
 2 3 ╰───┴───╯

Convert to a dataframe and provide a schema that adds a new column

> [[a b]; [1 "foo"] [2 "bar"]] | polars into-df -s {a: u8, b:str, c:i64} | polars fill-null 3
 # │ a │  b  │ c │
 0 1 foo 3
 1 2 bar 3