update for filters

Update an existing column to have a new value.


> update {flags} (field) (replacement value)


  • field: The name of the column to update.
  • replacement value: The new value to give the cell(s), or a closure to create the value.

Input/output types:



Update a column value

> {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5} | update name 'Nushell'
 name Nushell
 stars 5

Use a closure to alter each value in the 'authors' column to a single string

> [[project, authors]; ['nu', ['Andrés', 'JT', 'Yehuda']]] | update authors {|row| $row.authors | str join ',' }
 # │ project │     authors      │
 0 nu Andrés,JT,Yehuda

Implicitly use the $in value in a closure to update 'authors'

> [[project, authors]; ['nu', ['Andrés', 'JT', 'Yehuda']]] | update authors { str join ',' }
 # │ project │     authors      │
 0 nu Andrés,JT,Yehuda

Update a value at an index in a list

> [1 2 3] | update 1 4
 0 1
 1 4
 2 3

Use a closure to compute a new value at an index

> [1 2 3] | update 1 {|i| $i + 2 }
 0 1
 1 4
 2 3


When updating a column, the closure will be run for each row, and the current row will be passed as the first argument. Referencing $in inside the closure will provide the value at the column for the current row.

When updating a specific index, the closure will instead be run once. The first argument to the closure and the $in value will both be the current value at the index.


update cellsUpdate the table cells.built-in