stor for database

Various commands for working with the in-memory sqlite database.


> stor {flags}

Input/output types:



You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.


stor createCreate a table in the in-memory sqlite database.built-in
stor deleteDelete a table or specified rows in the in-memory sqlite database.built-in
stor exportExport the in-memory sqlite database to a sqlite database file.built-in
stor importImport a sqlite database file into the in-memory sqlite database.built-in
stor insertInsert information into a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.built-in
stor openOpens the in-memory sqlite database.built-in
stor resetReset the in-memory database by dropping all tables.built-in
stor updateUpdate information in a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database.built-in