bytes for bytes

Various commands for working with byte data.


> bytes {flags}

Input/output types:



You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.


bytes addAdd specified bytes to the input.built-in
bytes atGet bytes defined by a range.built-in
bytes buildCreate bytes from the arguments.built-in
bytes collectConcatenate multiple binary into a single binary, with an optional separator between each.built-in
bytes ends-withCheck if bytes ends with a pattern.built-in
bytes index-ofReturns start index of first occurrence of pattern in bytes, or -1 if no match.built-in
bytes lengthOutput the length of any bytes in the pipeline.built-in
bytes removeRemove bytes.built-in
bytes replaceFind and replace binary.built-in
bytes reverseReverse the bytes in the pipeline.built-in
bytes starts-withCheck if bytes starts with a pattern.built-in