str for strings

Various commands for working with string data.


> str {flags}

Input/output types:



You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.


str camel-caseBuiltinConvert a string to camelCase.
str capitalizeBuiltinCapitalize first letter of text.
str containsBuiltinChecks if string input contains a substring.
str distanceBuiltinCompare two strings and return the edit distance/Levenshtein distance.
str downcaseBuiltinMake text lowercase.
str ends-withBuiltinCheck if an input ends with a string.
str expandBuiltinGenerates all possible combinations defined in brace expansion syntax.
str index-ofBuiltinReturns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match.
str joinBuiltinConcatenate multiple strings into a single string, with an optional separator between each.
str kebab-caseBuiltinConvert a string to kebab-case.
str lengthBuiltinOutput the length of any strings in the pipeline.
str pascal-caseBuiltinConvert a string to PascalCase.
str replaceBuiltinFind and replace text.
str reverseBuiltinReverse every string in the pipeline.
str screaming-snake-caseBuiltinConvert a string to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
str snake-caseBuiltinConvert a string to snake_case.
str starts-withBuiltinCheck if an input starts with a string.
str statsBuiltinGather word count statistics on the text.
str substringBuiltinGet part of a string. Note that the start is included but the end is excluded, and that the first character of a string is index 0.
str title-caseBuiltinConvert a string to Title Case.
str trimBuiltinTrim whitespace or specific character.
str upcaseBuiltinMake text uppercase.